Dear NoteBlair,
What excites me the most about applying makeup is how and with what tool I’m applying it! Brushes are my thing! I have a massive collection of them & I still buy them when I see one that worths trying! Some of them are just too cute to stay in the store! Basically they army guilty pleasure! A good brush is essential! It will serve you for years & it will make your life 100% better when applying makeup! To help you find the perfect brushes I listed all my favorites which you will be surprised how budget friendly they are! Most of them I have been using for more than 3-4 years & they are still in a perfect condition! So i would suggest spending a bit more because you will get the bang for your buck! Here are some of my favorites & what I personally use it for.
January 4, 2017
Foundation Brushes
Sometimes I like to use a huge buffer brush for a faster application and for mostly sheer foundations.
The flat brushes are perfect for painting the face and then buffing it with beauty blender.
Concealer Brushes
I mainly use beauty blender to blend the concealer. I use brush when applying color correction cancelers.
Liquid Bronzer or liquid contour brush
Powder Bronzer & contour brush
Heavy Contour brush
Nose countour brush
Blush brush
Powder brush
Highlighter Brush
Eye Shadow brush
Flat lid brush
Crease Brush
Smudge Brush
Can be used on lash line or under eye.
Eyeliner & brow Brushes
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