Not washing your face before bed
I’m not sure who needs to hear this but wash your damn face before bed & no wipes are not considered cleansers! with make up or without makeup we are so exposed to pollution & dirt all day long. Going to bed with all those in your face,your pores get clogged. No matter how tired or drunk <no judgment here> you are, wash your face, & if anything double cleanse & never relay on cleanser to remove your makeup! Go in with a makeup remover balm or micellar water & then use your cleanser.
Not drinking enough water
This is nothing new, water is your best friend when it comes to your skin. I’m personally guilty of this! I have such a hard time drinking water recently. I made a reminder in my phone that reminds me every 30 minutes to drink water. It is honestly annoying but it forces me to drink at least few sips.
Neglecting your neck
You neck & decollate area should always be part of your face skincare. Always take your serums, treatment & moisturizer down your neck. Specifically you can see sun damage on chest area the most so always apply your SPF all the way down.
Using aggressive products
I see this happening mostly with exfoliating products such as scrubs & at home peels. Try to use a gentle scrub because you might not only scrub away dirt but you might damage the skin tissue if you scrub too much. With at home treatments & peels. The best at home peels that won’t cause irritation & will actually make a difference in your skin are the Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta® Daily Peel. start with the regular one at first & then move to stronger one if your skin handles it well.
Avoiding SPF
The most damage our skin receive is from sun. so in no shape or form you should never avoid wearing SPF. Try moisturizers with SPF for AM or tons of CC creams have built in SPF. Ulta has the best spray setting spray with SPF which is a game changer.
Exercising with makeup on
Make up covers all your pores & doesn’t allow your skin to breath & to sweat which can then turn into breakouts, blackheads & skin irritation. I know we always want to look glam but it is not in your skins best interest to sweat when you have makeup on.
Using makeup wipes
This is something i still can’t wrap my head around. When I see people aggressively rub that cloth on their face I just cringe! Don’t do that to your skin! The wipes have products in them that has been siting on the shelf for the longest time, then you push that into your skin & not only with rubbing it on your skin you are damaging your tissue but all the makeup remover goes into your skin. Avoid all wipes at all cost & try a balm or cream to remove makeup. If you absolutely have to use some sort of a wipe, get the reusable ones form amazon because they are extremely soft and go in with micellar water.

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