Dear NoteBlair
Oh Dear shoes…We all Love them! Regardless of how much pain we might be in we will not cheat on our Christian Louboutin with a comfy pair.
Have you been to an event before where you latterly count the minutes for it to end so you can take off your heels? I know I’ve done this many times.
My love affair of shoes has been long! Every pay check equaled to one pair! So trust me when I say I tried PLENTTY!
Starting from last fall designers made their stilettos into block & I couldn’t be happier! don’t get me wrong there is nothing SEXIER than a red bottom Stiletto black CL. (Says the girl who can’t walk in it for more than couple of hours) but it is the honest truth! But I’m guilty of loving the new block heel trend! Let be real It’s COMFORTABLE! a word that we forget when it comes to fashion!
I found very cute & affordable pairs (specially for fall) that I wanted to share with you all.
November, 3 2016
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