Dear Noteblair,
Will I ever find my forever style? I don’t know honestly, because every day I see something that changes my mind & I’m like okay this will be MY STYLE. I recently started exploring interior design & it has been such a fun process. I usually know what I like & what I don’t. However when it came to house items I was a bit confused. Pintrest was my best friend for a long time however it confused me as well…I saw tons of styles that I liked & instead of recreating exact pictures, i started taking away object & styles from each picture & mix them into my own style.
You don’t have to rush this process…don’t overwhelm yourself with wanting it to be done & finished. add one object at the time & change things up until you find your angel.(also keep receipt…you never know,something that you might have loved might not work for your space-trust me learned it the wrong way)
The inspo behind our coffee table & the end tables was a lot inspired by the talented Elements of Style: Designing a Home & a Life. This book & Erin herself, were a huge part of my process & finding what I love about interior design & how I like things to look.
If you ask me what my home style is I can’t explain in one world, but I can in one sentence…
Parisian chic meets farmhouse meets modern touches!
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