Dear Noteblair,
As promised here are the links the all the outfits I wore while traveling Europe! Hope you like it and let me know if you have any questions.
December 19, 2018
Dear Noteblair,
As promised here are the links the all the outfits I wore while traveling Europe! Hope you like it and let me know if you have any questions.
December 19, 2018
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Great job I really love this blog and I can so well relate with it. It has done nothing to inspire me to love myself even though I’m skinny. I think there should be more people like you in this world. I was once fat untill I became slim in my pre teens , I suffered from a lot of body shaming because society thought skinny guys aren’t normal just like some people think plus size women are 👎 which is wrong. Thanks for inspiring a lot of us whether skinny or plus size to love our self because size truly has no size. Check out my blog at