Dear Noteblair,
Happy Easter Sunday! Hope you had a lovely day today!
This year it has not been like any other year! Social distancing seems a lot harder when it comes to special holiday & I definitely struggled a bit. Even tho lot of facetime was involved but still it didn’t feel right. I’m from a big family & when it an holiday we always get together & of course me being me I always get excited about setting a table.
This yeas I had to use what we got in our house due to isolation. I had something completely different in mind however I think the set up that I did came out simple, chic with a hint of color. We all know how I feel about color. I have a vlog coming up next week that I show exactly how i did everything so if you want a visual post it is coming.
Stay home & stay safe for now. We will all celebrate it with our loved ones next year.
Happy Easter.

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